30 Millionaire Entrepreneurs Reveal Their Day To Day “To Do’s” For

Taking Their Business From Dead Broke To Success...
In Just 30 Days!
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Download the detailed battleplans of what these
“Two Comma Club” award-winning entrepreneurs would do to save themselves in 30 days, and get their business back on track…FOR FREE!
From the desk of: Russell Brunson (co-founder of ClickFunnels)
Boise, Idaho

Dear Entrepreneur,

Recently, I asked 30 of my ‘Two Comma Club’ members ( those who have generated over $1 Million+ inside their ClickFunnels funnel ) a very loaded question...

You Suddenly LOSE
You lose all your money, along with your name and reputation, and only have your marketing know-how left.
You have bills piled high, and people harassing you for money over the phone.
Plus, you have a guaranteed roof over your head, a phone line, an internet connection, and a ClickFunnels account for only one month.
You no longer have your big guru name, your following, or JV partners. Other than your vast marketing experience, you’re an unknown newbie.
What Would You Do?

(From Day 1 To Day 30) If You Knew You Only Had ONE FUNNEL To Make Back Your Millions?”

I didn’t know if anyone would
respond to me or not…
(But I hoped they would…)
Over the next few days responses started flooding my inbox…
Each of them replied to my email not just with an answer, but with a brilliant detailed 30-day plan of what they’d do to get back on TOP.
They broke their plan down day-by-day
“Day 1, I’d do this…
Day 2, I’d do this…
Day 3, I’d do this…”
Each of them laid out a complete 30 day battle plan to get their business back on track…starting back at “square one” with:
I was so inspired by these amazing (and crazy DETAILED) plans, I knew I wanted to compile ALL OF IT somehow , and get this into the hands of as many entrepreneurs as possible…

I wanted a book of go-to online business plans, where EACH person’s plan was a different chapter…

So I asked each of the award-winning entrepreneurs who responded –
“Would you mind WRITING DOWN your 30-day plan, in detail, so that others can learn from you?”
It was a big ask…
Let’s face it…I knew it would require a decent amount of time and love for them to document their 30 Day blueprints, step by step…
But sure enough, they all said YES!
“30 Days” is a GIANT 550-page downloadable book of ALL their compiled battleplans (Day 1 through Day 30).
30 chapters…
30 different, unique action plans…
You can actually go through the pages day-by-day, and SEE the “big picture” of their FUNNEL plan laid out right in front of you!
You can page through, and reference it as you try out new business ideas…
If you’re starting from scratch (or starting again ), with no name, no reputation, no list, no money, no traffic, and no product…
Then this FREE downloadable book is for you!
You’ll find not just ONE , but 30 different award-winners’ plans for getting an online business off the ground, (or back on track) starting from the very beginning.
Download ‘30 Days’ Now For FREE!

Here’s Just SOME Of What You’ll Discover Inside
The “30 Days” 550+ Page Digital eBook
($97 Value)

$ 10
  • Trey Lewellen’s 30-Day Battle Plan: The Proprietary “Reactive Startup Formula” That Makes Launching Your Product Painless…And On The Path To Success! (Page 2)
  • Garrett J. White’s 30-Day Battle Plan: The “Core 4” For Achieving Success ( Page 42 )
  • ​Alison Prince’s 30-Day Battle Plan: How My School-Age Daughters Built Their Own 6-Figure ECommerce Empire...In Just 9 Months! ( Page 71 )
  • Dana Derrick’s 30-Day Battle Plan: The “Dream 100” Method That Helped Generate Millions In Revenue For Myself And My Clients ( Page 86 )
  • Julie Stoian’s 30-Day Battle Plan: The 3 “Profitability” Steps You Absolutely Must Accomplish During Your First Week To Establish Credibility, And Attract High-Ticket Customers And Clients ( Page 112 )
  • ​Steve J. Larsen’s 30-Day Battle Plan: The “Purple Ocean” Approach To Identifying Products That Your Fans Would Body-Check Their Grandmas To Buy! ( Page 128 )
  • Stacy Martino’s 30-Day Battle Plan: The 3 Non-Negotiables For Setting Yourself Up For Success (...Before You Even Start Your Funnel) ( Page 141 )
  • Ed Osburn’s 30-Day Battle Plan: The #1 Factor That’s Exponentially More Powerful Than A Testimonial For Getting Your Clients And Customers From A “Maybe” To A “Yes!” ( Page 170 )
Download ‘30 Days’ Now For FREE!

And that’s Just The First 170 Pages!
You’re ALSO Going To Learn...

$ 4
  • Tyler Shaule’s 30-Day Battle Plan: 4 Simple Steps To Crafting Your Fundraising “Offer” ( Page 193 )
  • Jeremy McGilvrey’s 30-Day Battle Plan: My Foolproof “HCBA” Hack That Pin-Points Profitable, In-Demand Niches In Just MINUTES ( Page 221 )
  • Peng Joon’s 30-Day Battle Plan: How To Attract Attendees To Your High Ticket LIVE Event In Just 45 Minutes…(And Potentially FILL Every Seat In The Room!) ( Page 240 )
  • Myron Golden’s 30-Day Battle Plan: The “Bible Success Blueprint”...And The Strategies I Use To Help My Clients Rake In Up To $10 MILLION Per Year Each ( Page 266 )
  • Jaime Cross’s 30-Day Battle Plan: Mastering the “Convergence Quadrant” Method: Optimize Your Offers Before You Ever Start Building Your Funnel! ( Page 280 )
  • Dan Henry’s 30-Day Battle Plan: The Unusual Approach That Led Me To Build A $3 Million Business In Just ONE Year ( Page 310 )

Did You Think That Was All?

$ 1
  • Natalie Hodson’s 30-Day Battle Plan: How To Identify And Approach Your PERFECT Influencers To Promote Your Lead Magnet… (And Get The Most “Yeses” Possible!) ( Page 399 )
  • Caitlin Pyle’s 30-Day Battle Plan: How To Build INSTANT Credibility And Authority In Your Niche (Even If You’re “New And Unknown” At The Moment) ( Page 427 )
  • ​Akbar Sheikh’s 30-Day Battle Plan: How To Create An Almost INSTANT Coaching Practice That Attracts Your Perfect Client ( Page 437 )
  • Rhonda Swan’s 30-Day Battle Plan: How I Traded My All-Day “Hustle” For A Tripwire Funnel That Shot From “Zero” To 6-Figures In Just WEEKS! PHY That Earned Me An 8-Figure Award...FOUR TIMES! ( Page 457 )
  • David Asarnow’s 30-Day Battle Plan: The Lost PHILOSOPHY That Earned Me An 8-Figure Award...FOUR TIMES! ( Page 480 )
  • Raoul Plickat’s 30-Day Battle Plan: Tapping Into Your “A.G.P.” To Accomplish Any Goal In HALF The Time! ( Page 501 )
  • James P. Friel’s 30-Day Battle Plan: The SINGLE Biggest Mistake That Holds New Business Owners Back…(and keeps them from ever achieving the success they dream of!) ( Page 513 )
**The individuals above are paying users of ClickFunnels. Their chapters inside the ‘30 Days’ downloadable book that you will read when you register for a copy will provide you with their own unique view of what they would do if they had to start over. Their past results using ClickFunnels are not typical and your experience will vary based upon your effort, education, business model, and market forces beyond our control. Please note that ClickFunnels is not a business opportunity. ClickFunnels is a website and funnel builder that helps businesses sell their products and services online. We make no earnings claims or return on investment claims.**
Download ‘30 Days’ Now For FREE!
Oh, and if you’re wondering…
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I’ve witnessed so many marketers out there who offer you something awesome for free...only to trap you into some program that charges your card every month.

And that’s just not my style.

Why Am I Giving You This Book...FOR FREE?!
A couple reasons, actually…

1. Because (unlike other “gurus”) I don’t make all of my money teaching others how to make money (I actually run real businesses online selling software, supplements, physical products and more)… so because of that, it doesn’t hurt me to share with you my best stuff.
2. This is something I genuinely feel should be in the hands of every entrepreneur, no matter where they are at in their journey. It’s literally a giant vault of online business battle-plans from others who have taken their success to the ‘Two Comma Club’ and beyond.
3. I get another one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future. The more money I can make you now, the more likely you are to get curious and check out my other products and programs down the road.
That’s it.
That’s why I’m doing this.
Download ‘30 Days’ Now For FREE!
If this page is still here, then the offer to download and get INSTANT ACCESS to the ‘30 Days’ book is live for the time being…
But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

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This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So download your FREE copy of the ‘30 Days’ book now!
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Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Russell Brunson
P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:

Enter in your email address, and I’ll send you a downloadable 504+ page book, called “30 Days”. (valued at $97) for FREE. Yes, this book is free! (no Credit Card required).

There’s no catch… no gimmicks… You will NOT be signing up for any “trial” to some monthly program or anything like that.

So, click the button below to enter your email address, and get your FREE downloadable copy now. You won’t regret it.
Download ‘30 Days’ Now For FREE!
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